Search results (22 total)

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JPEG of the contributed item Middle Earth in Old English Dr Russell A Potter
Maþmum Mislicum Maþmum Mislicum MYRA DUFFY
Discovery at Sutton Hoo Anna Caughey
IMG_8483.JPG Photography of statue of Alfred the Great Ted Sherman
Saint and City Saint and City Mark Leech
Gold -- a poem Gold -- a poem Jane Seabourne
Heroic Ideal (poem) Heroic Ideal David Sutton
The Mound Poems by Maureen R. Davis Anna Caughey
huscarlfighting.jpg Stamford Bridge! Hus
The Unknown Warrior Sue Mackrell The Unknown Warrior - a poem written in response to the Staffordshire Hoard displayed at Stoke-on-Trent Museum Sue Mackrell