Browse Items (5 total)

The Runes
A series of extracts from S. Lee and E. Solopova's 'The Keys of Middle-earth' (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2005). The books sets out to attract fans of Tolkien's fiction to the original medieval texts by providing analysis, texts in their original, and…

The Anglo-Saxon Period and Anglo-Saxon Society
Pre-print extracts from E. Solopova and S. Lee's 'Key Concepts in Medieval Literature' (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2007) with illustrative essays on Old English and the Anglo-Saxons. Can be ordered (pb/hb) at:…

Old English in Middle earth Study Pack
This study pack was designed especially for anyone coming to the Anglo-Saxon language from an initial interest in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. It is a short and very informal introduction to Anglo-Saxon, but for many people their first…

JPEG of the contributed item
In the early stages of his subcreation, J.R.R. Tolkien wrote a number of new texts in Old English, in which he described the creation of the world in the Elder Days. This is my own calligraphic interpretation of one of these texts, which I made in…

Anglo-Saxon in Middle earth (part 2)
This is the second part of the study pack created especially for anyone coming to Anglo-Saxon from an original interest in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Like Part 1, it has been available on the Tolkien Society website and in hard copy since it…
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