Browse Items (67 total)

National Archaeology Day at the Ashmolean Museum, 2005. Images of re-enactors and members of the public dressing up and working on Anglo-Saxon activities.

Viking brooch
Images and captions from the Ashmolean Museum's 'Anglo-Saxon Discovery' site.

Viking brooch, Buckles, Needle Case, Pendant, Bracelets, Rings, Viking man, Cuerdale Hoard, Chape, Stirrups, Strap distributor, Sword, Where Did the Vikings Come From?

Nine Men's Morris board game rules
Teachers' resources from the Ashmolean Museum's 'Anglo-Saxon Discovery' site.

Anglo-Saxons and the environment. Notes from Bishops Wood Centre
Notes to support class visits to Bishops Wood Centre in Worcestershire for the Saxon Settlers programme. While particularly relevant to Worcestershire and supporting the activities that pupils carry out during their visit to the centre much of this…

Old English in Middle earth Study Pack
This study pack was designed especially for anyone coming to the Anglo-Saxon language from an initial interest in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. It is a short and very informal introduction to Anglo-Saxon, but for many people their first…

Anglo-Saxon in Middle earth (part 2)
This is the second part of the study pack created especially for anyone coming to Anglo-Saxon from an original interest in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Like Part 1, it has been available on the Tolkien Society website and in hard copy since it…

Battle of Maldon Project
An account of the Battle of Maldon, with a present-day English introduction, images from the site and extracts in Old English from the poem with present-day English translations.

A short animated video clip presenting some basic phrases in Old English relating to the family. I hope to create more of these as time allows. Leofwin and his family are based on the characters of a book teaching everyday Old English as a living…

The Story of Abraham and Isaac
Old English texts with frame glosses, originally hosted at the University of Calgary Please be aware that these texts are zipped files: after downloading them, you will need to right-click on them…

About Old English
From Professor Murray McGillivray's online Old English course, originally located at
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