Browse Items (65 total)

Tuesday Poem – “Wulf and Eadwacer”

This is a blog post by writer Joanna Preston discussing 'Wulf and Eadwacer' from a poet's perspective. The translation provided is a composite made up of translations found on the web. Please note that this is a zipped file: in order to read it,…

The Lord's Prayer
From the Wessex Gospels, c.870AD, with pop-up glosses in present-day English. The text is copied using an old English hand. The photo at the end is Leofwin as an early 7th century missionary. Please note that this is the *unglossed* version of this…

Kirkdale Sundial - L. panel
Views of the sundial and St. Gregory's Minster,Kirkdale.
Bradley, S.A.J., 'Orm Gamalson's Sundial',Kirkdale', Kirkdale 2002.
Fletcher, R.A, 'St. Gregory's Minster, Kirkdale', Kirkdale 2003.

[L. panel]

AN00469340_001_l. Franks Casket. Lidded rectangular box made of whale-bone, carved on the sides and top in relief with scenes from Roman, Jewish, Christian and Germanic tradition. The base is constructed from four sides slotted and pegged into corner…

The Coming of the English
The account (abridged) by Bede of the coming of the English to Britain in the 5th century. He wrote in Latin in the 8th century, and his work was rendered into Old English a century later. The text is copied using an Old English hand, with pop-up…

Notes on Colouring the Ruthwell and Bewcastle Crosses
These notes describe a project carried out at the Manchester Museum in the University of Manchester as part of the redisplay of the museum galleries in 1999-2000, to recolour a set of casts of the crosses at Bewcastle and Ruthwell churches acquired…

The Cipherment of the Franks Casket
In 1857 the antiquarian and prodigious benefactor Sir Augustus Wollaston Franks lighted on a small, odd-looking whalebone box in an antique shop in Paris. He purchased it immediately, having recognized that the box was of Anglo-Saxon origin, and…

The Alfred Jewel - from oblique angle above
Ashmolean Museum inventory no. AN1836p.135.371.
Gold, rock crystal, enamel. Dated to the late 9th century. Gold tear-drop shaped frame holds an enamel base beneath a polished rock crystal, possibly a reused piece from an older object. The separate…

St Gregory's Minster, Kirkdale
A PowerPoint presentation with recent (2006) photographs. St Gregory's Minster, in beautiful setting in Kirkdale, North Yorkshire, has a sundial that records its renovation -- just a few years before the Norman Conquest. The sundial also…

The Runes
A series of extracts from S. Lee and E. Solopova's 'The Keys of Middle-earth' (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2005). The books sets out to attract fans of Tolkien's fiction to the original medieval texts by providing analysis, texts in their original, and…
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